To design the municipal coat of arms, we decided to combine some elements of the traditional emblem, refreshing and blending them. We also added new elements that more meaningfully represent the current reality of the department and the profile of its inhabitants.

The elements and concepts we combined included the condor, brotherhood, sustainability, culture, landscape, laurels, the flag, and identity.

Origin: 🇦🇷

Para diseñar el escudo municipal, decidimos combinar algunos elementos del emblema tradicional, renovándolos y mezclándolos. También agregamos nuevos elementos que representan de manera más significativa la realidad actual del departamento y el perfil de sus habitantes. 

Los elementos y conceptos que combinamos fueron el cóndor, la hermandad, la sustentabilidad, la cultura, el paisaje, los laureles, la bandera y la identidad.

Origen: 🇦🇷

fotografia municipalidad de godoy cruz

Former municipal coat of arms of Godoy Cruz, presented to the community in 1994.

logo municipalidad de godoy cruz
escudo parte condor


We kept the figure of the Condor, a distinctive symbol of Andean communities. It now soars in mid-flight, evoking splendor and grandeur.

hermandad parte condor


We’ve also maintained the intertwined hands, symbolizing the sense of brotherhood among neighbors, as well as with tourists.

sustentabilidad parte escudo


From this sense of brotherhood emerges a sprout that symbolizes the significance of ecology and sustainability.

cultura parte escudo godoy cruz


At the bottom is an open book, symbolizing the arts and culture that flood the streets of Godoy Cruz.

paisaje escudo godoy cruz


In the background, we find the sun, mountains, and cultivated fields, all emblematic elements of Mendoza.

Laureles escudo godoy cruz


The entire composition is encircled by a laurel wreath, symbolizing the department’s greatness and accomplishments.

identificación escudo godoy cruz


The bottom arc of the shield is encircled by the department’s name, facilitating its independent use while preserving its identification.

bandera escudo godoy cruz


The shield is set against a light blue and white backdrop, reminiscent of the national emblem.

mockup logo escudo de godoy cruz
sello escudo de godoy cruz
estamping escudo godoy cruz